
Showing posts from July, 2024

W14 Reflection: Entrepreneurial Journal Final Blog

 What a semester it has been!  It has been full of growth and learning throughout the entire semester.  I am so grateful for the opportunity of taking this class.  I have learned a lot of principles that I will be able to apply in my professional career.   If I had one final lecture that I could share, it would be about how everyone's career path is unique and different.  I think that a lot of us get fixated on how our future is going to look like.  In reality, our future almost works out how we planned it.  Something will go wrong.  An obstacle is going to fall in the middle of our path.  It is how we respond that is most important.  Another thing I would add is that it's okay to start out as an employee.  Sometimes it is better for us to get up off of our feet and build a base.  This can take a lot of pressure of our shoulders at the beginning.  I would also talk about how it is important to get as much experience as possible and to become a well-rounded individual.  I think

W13 Reflection: Entrepreneur

 Something that I learned this week was that specialization isn't always the best thing to do.  Sometimes being general and spread out your skills can be just as important.  I think that specialization can kind of pigeon hole is into a situation that we really can't get out of.  It doesn't help that for a long time people have said to specialize, specialize, specialize!  I think that after reading some of the readings, I've come to realize that this isn't always the best solution.   What I also learned this week that it's important to have an attitude of gratitude.  I think that being grateful is a good way to help keep our heads on straight.  It can help us understand that we are in a good situation, and that it could be worse.  I have also read studies that have shown that people who are more grateful tend to be more successful.  These are just a couple of things that I learned from this week.  

W12 reflection

 I learned a lot this week.  Something that I liked was the importance of your vision and how compelling it is.  I think that a lot of us have hopes and dreams, but I don't think that many people take actions towards achieving them.  I think that in order for your dream to be successful, you have to be compelling.  If you can't motivate yourself or others, your dream will die rather quickly.   In one of my other business classes, we are learning about the importance of leadership and how we can motivate our teams.  I think that building a good culture and hiring the right people are the biggest indicators of how well your team performs.  If the leadership builds a good environment, their team is going to be able to succeed!  This is what I learned this week.  

W11 Reflection

 I think I learned a lot this week.  I learned about the importance of work-life balance and how we can achieve it.  I have learned that it's important to set clear boundaries.  This includes defining when you are going to work and when you are going to have personal time.  This can also mean keeping work at work.  It's important to be present with family and not checking emails or taking calls outside of when you normally work.  I think that a lot of these situations can be avoided if we prioritize our most important tasks at the beginning of the day.  I also learned this week that it is just as important to learn how to say no.  If we overcommit, we can stretch ourselves too thin.  A good skill to learn is how to delegate.  Not only is work-life balance good for your family, but it's also good for your own mental health.  It helps you allocate quality time towards your family and friends, which can help you develop your meaningful relationships with others. I have experie