
Showing posts from February, 2021

W08 Reflection

 There were a lot of things that I learned this week.  One of my favorite things that I learned is that as an entrepreneur we need to learn how to think differently than other people.  Most people's thinking process if logical and in a timing-oriented order.  However, in one of the videos that we watched, it suggests that we take a completely different stance on how to solve a problem.  Instead of doing what most people do, we have to look at the problem backward.  If we do this, we can find new insights and make more connections than if we were looking at the problem from the same angle.   Something else that I learned this week was from Elder Holland's video.  Something that he said that inspired is "Don't you quit!"  I like Holland because he reminds me of all the coaches that I had throughout my sports career.  I think having a positive attitude and an attitude of relentlessness is super important in not only the gospel but in entrepreneurship as well.  It'


 This was another great week about learning about entrepreneurship!  There are several points that I would like to go over in this blog.  The first thing that I liked from this week was the talk about self-mastery.  What that talk helped me realize is that I'm never going to be able to achieve the goals that I want without self-mastery.  I read a quote this week that said, "Discipline will get you miles further than motivation."  Sometimes we just need to gain control over ourselves and do things that we don't want to do.  That can sometimes be the difference between success and failure.   Another thought that I had this week was the importance of work-life balance.  As entrepreneurs, it is very easy to focus all of your time and effort on your work.  This can cause you to neglect your responsibilities to your family.  In one of the videos that we watched this week, it talked about the importance of setting rules and boundaries.  By setting rules and boundaries, the s

W05 Reflection

 I think one of my favorite parts from "A Hero's Journey" was when he was talking about what it was like to live a hero's journey.  He said, "What does it mean to choose a hero's journey?  It means to live every moment of your life like it matters, because it does.  It means to live your life like you have an important mission, because you do."  This quote reminded me of a quote that I heard on a podcast the other day.  The guy I listened to said, "A man has two lives.  One is before he learns that he lives once, and the other is after he learns that he only lives once."  I think that this is something that everyone has to realize eventually.  It is something so powerful yet it's something so simple.  Before we have that realization, or that "mid-life crisis," it is VERY easy to just take life for granted and coast through it.  However when we do realize it, we need to figure out what we want to do with our lives, or in other word