W07 Reflection: Entrepreneurial Journal

 Based on the reflection criteria this week, I will go over some of the 7 habits that were most meaningful to me, and which ones will help me find my passion and purpose.   

I think that all 7 habits are extremely important, but I think that the most vital one for me is "Beginning with the End in Mind."  To me, this has been the one that I have lacked the most.  I think it is something that I haven't done a good job of doing lately, which has caused me to lack a sense of direction of what I am doing with my life.  It was good for me to sit down and think about what I want to accomplish here in the next 1,5, and 10 years of my life.  Where do I want to be when I'm 33?  I think that asking myself those kinds of questions helped me realize that...

A) Our time is limited

B) My actions today determine who I am tomorrow

C) I need to put first things first!  

By beginning with the end in mind, it helps create clarity in my life and a sense of purpose.  I have a main goal every day:  Get closer to where I want to be in 10 years.  

I think that this habit ties into "Put First Things First."  I think that you can't really have one without the other.  By having written down where I want to go, I can work backward to know what I have to do to achieve those goals.  

I think that this is something that I need to work on as well.  I haven't done a good job of going out and prioritizing my goals.    

I think that if I prioritize these two habits, that I will improve my satisfaction with life and find my passion and purpose.  I think by achieving things, I will be able to get the ball rolling and build momentum in my life.  


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