W02 Reflection: Entrepreneurial Journal

 I think a big reason why Randy Pausch achieved so many of his childhood dreams was because his parents didn't put any limits on him.  He was able to draw on the walls as a kid.  Pretty soon he was writing chemistry formulas on the walls.  I think that limits can be put on us by ourselves and/or by others.  It reminds me of the quote by Henry Ford, which says, "Whether you think you can, or you think you can't -- you're right."

I think that it's important for us to have dreams, ambitions, and goals.  Without them, what really is the purpose of our life?  It is human nature to have dreams and ambitions.  These ambitions give us a sense of direction, and a sense of purpose.  The beauty of it is that they can be whatever you want.  

Growing up, one of my dreams was to play football at my high school.  When I was in elementary school and middle school, our youth tackle football team would go watch the games together with our coaches.  Sometimes they would let us hold our scrimmages during halftime.  Naturally, I would watch the games and hope to one day play for the high school.  It helped me work hard throughout the years and aspire to play well.  It gave me a sense of purpose.  When I achieved the goal, it was fulfilling.  It was awesome being able to have that feeling of accomplishing something.  I felt like I had control over my life, and that I could go out and achieve whatever I put my mind to.  It made me feel competent as well.  That confidence has leaked into other categories of my life.  I am so thankful for the opportunity to achieve that dream of mine from my elementary and middle school years.  

Word Count - 304 words


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